Thursday, June 19, 2008

Three New Classes unveiled in Baltimore this October

Standing Wave Jostling
October 10, 2008 (Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
5 NCBTMB Approved hours = $105($125 after September 10, 2008). Taught by Patrick Moore

Clients bring heavy emotions and hard muscles into the massage room. Jostling lightens up the tone of any bodywork session. In the last five years, research has shown that playful teasing aids a depth of trust and communication. Playful jJostling aids depth of nonverbal communication and trust. Jostling is both an art and a science. The science is a "standing wave," which we will diagram and demonstrate using a guitar and ropes (your instructor, Patrick Moore, was a Math teacher in the 1980s and 90s). The art is you creating standing waves through lengths of rope, and then creating standing waves through the length of your partner on the massage table. We will also do one or two dance/movement exercises to jostle our own bodies free.

Father of Ethics
October 11, 2008 (Saturday)
6 hours = $115($130 after September 10, 2008). Taught by Patrick Moore

A fresh approach to professional ethics using the methods of Socrates, who is considered the Father of Ethics. Like Socrates, your teacher will not tell you the right answers, but question you, which activates your essence; the source of knowledge and understanding. Topics vary depending on students' interest and may include some or all of the NCBTMB Standards of Practice including 2 hours of Standard V—Boundaries. Please read in advance any of these four Socrates dialogues written by Plato, published freely from many sources online: simply google "Apology, Euthyphro, Crito, and Phaedo." Jot down anything that seems interesting. The more questions and topics you bring, the more interesting class will be!

Advanced Topics in Energy: Releasing Cellular Memory
October 12, 2008 (Sunday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
5 NCBTMB Approved Hours = $125($140 after September 10, 2008). Taught by Patrick Moore

Gulf War Veterans have returned home with more than 10,000 Traumatic Brain Injuries and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. All traumas, even car accidents, create a very strong imprint that may stay in the body for years, decades, or longer. New studies with lab rats published in Science News (2007) show that traumatic fears pass to children, grandchildren, and beyond, through DNA. When suffering continues after physical and mental healing modalities have been exhausted, many therapists are now allowing the possibility of past life traumas. Cellular and Genetic memories are stored throughout the body and brain, especially in the hindbrain. Using scanning techniques, students learn to locate trauma in the body and brain. Using a combination of visualization, symbolism, hands-on, breathwork, and intention, we coax the patterns free of the body, often with immediate noticeable changes the recipient. This course in the "Advanced Topics in Energy" series is for those practitioners who have previous education and experience using energy work, osteopathic technique, shamanism, faith-based healing, or other ways of detecting and releasing unwanted patterns. Patrick Moore has been practicing and studying energy healing for more than thirty years, including over a thousand hours of classroom, internship, and private instruction.

1 comment:

Rebecca Mauldin said...

Hi Patrick, I'm delighted to have found your blog. I also checked out your website. I have intuitively used and taught several of the techniques you describe in Melting Muscles and I got excited reading your work, especially about brain and muscle physiology. I am looking forward to reading more posts and will consider seeing you in AZ for a workshop this summer. Good luck and thanks for the chapters you posted on your website. Rebecca