Bodywork With Patrick

 On this page: 

  1. All Bodywork is Clothed.
  2. Therapies Offered / Therapeutic Approach.
  3. What is Melting Muscles?
  4. Pricing, including sliding scale options.

1. All Bodywork is Clothed

Keeping your clothing on, helps your brain feel safer to relax your muscles. I have published a book about the benefits of clothed massage, available on Amazon.

To make an appointment, ask a question or make a time for our free phone consultation, please use the Contact Form:


Email *


We can do bodywork outdoors when the weather permits. I have a nice home-office in NW Tucson that is a small building that stands off of the house. Major cross streets are La Canada and Ina.

I can drive to your house or business, adding $2 per mile from Oracle / Ina. 

2. Therapies Offered / Therapeutic Approach

The approach is equal partnership. I do not see therapy as me fixing you. When your muscles relax a long-standing tension or guarding pattern, this is because your brain participated. I will guide you how to do your part in our partnership.

I specialize in people who have tried other therapies and have not yet experienced the changes they want. I have extensive training in many Osteopathic Techniques including Craniosacral, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF, MET), injury assessment and treatment. I was a Preferred Provider of Medical Massage Therapy for Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Washington and other providers in the 1990s. I also have extensive training in Reiki and essence balancing using hands-on or hands-above to facilitate energy balancing.

In your session you may bring a friend or loved one to sit in the session with you. We can leave the door open. I will introduce you to my wife if she is around. We can leave the doors open, windows open and/or work on the patio in the shade or sun. 

I often treat these conditions with good results:

  • People who have symptoms or conditions that have not responded to other therapies.
  • Headaches and jaw tension.
  • Hip tension and low back pain.
  • Injury assessment, to discern things out you should be seeing a doctor for, instead of me, from things I can treat like tendinitis and muscle spasm, and to form a treatment plan.
  • Neck pain, stiffness and lost ability to turn head.
  • Tendinitis treatment of wrists, elbows, shoulder rotator-cuff tendons, knee and ankle tendons and ligaments and plantar fascitis, including ice-therapy.

Melting the Neck: I have written articles, handouts and created videos especially for treating the atlanto-axial joint of the neck, the movement of turning your head left and right. This technique is very gentle, and moves at your pace with noticable relaxation in each session.

Benefits of this approach:

  • You feel more optimistic, lighter and freer.
  • Your body has more mobility, capability, flexibility and less pain.
  • You feel cared for, and heard.
  • Calm and awake, curious and interested.

Usually it is to your benefit to have regular sessions for a while until you stabilize with a new balance that you can maintain. 

3. How Melting Muscles Works


The article, "Melting Muscles" was first published in 2002 in Massage & Bodywork Magazine, then in 2003 in Massage Therapy Journal. Now you can purchase the book at Amazon

Melting Muscles is a comfortable method that helps with:

  • Frozen Shoulder and other Rotator Cuff problems.
  • Atlas and Axis, or difficulty rotating your head.
  • Low Back Pain including hips, sacrum and pelvis.
  • Neck Pain including stiffness.
  • Joint stiffness, soreness and pain.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Tendinitis (Tendonitis) or bits of scar tissue from overuse or from a fall or from an injury.
  • Accident recovery and job injuries.
  • Old traumas, guarding and tension.
  • Resolving your conflicts and issues that show up as muscle tension.
  • Headaches and jaw tension.
  • Wrist and thumb pain, and other ailments from overuse of computers and devices.

     Melting Muscles can be done with very light pressure and works fine with light-to-medium firm pressure. But it can also work with strong pressure if that is your preference. Its not that more pressure works better, its more about what your subconscious brain wants, in order to feel safe, than about your conscious preference.

     “Why is this muscle tight?” People ask me this all the time. Your muscle is tight because your brain once felt defensive about something, experienced a conflict or a risk, so your brain activated muscle guarding. Muscle guarding is one of your brain’s defense mechanisms, to protect the body and person. The brain makes muscles tighter in order to armor the body, to reduce mobility, to inhibit action, or to harden the outer muscles to protect the inner soft stuff. The brain will enact muscle guarding both for physical dangers and for symbolic or emotional perceived threats.

     Muscle guarding is actually increased voltage the brain is sending to the muscles. If you had Biology class in High School, you might have connected a battery to a frog’s leg, to see that muscles contract when voltage is applied.

     "How can we get the brain to resolve the tension, or reduce the voltage?" A number of ways. Clothing helps the brain feel safer. Melting Muscles is a technique specifically designed to help the brain feel safer. Craniosacral, unwinding and Reiki are also perceived by the brain as very safe, because they are so gentle. Counseling or Life Coaching, that helps the brain to resolve the original conflict, is probably the best way to permanently resolve the things that cause muscle tension.

     Muscles will soften in the moment. I can feel a muscle sinking, softening and melting. When I mention this to you, you may also feel it sinking. When this happens, this is evidence your brain must be feeling safer. Softening means the brain is reducing the voltage to the muscle. The brain wouldn’t reduce the guarding, unless it was feeling safer. It may mean you are resolving the conflict.      Wouldn’t that be cool if you could resolve the original issue, just through bodywork?

4. Bodywork Fees:

Free Email Consultation: Ask me a question using the contact form (above, scroll up) and I will respond by email. Free. 

Free Phone Consultation: Use the contact form so we can set a time to talk 15 minutes, your concerns, my responses. Free.

I have given many hours of free services including volunteering for several community service organizations. I enjoy helping people and do so whenever I can. I offer Sliding Scale. We can find a price that works for you. I have never turned anyone away for lack of funds.

The fee is the same whether you are receiving hands-on-body, hands-above Reiki or energy work or talking/coaching sessions. 

60 minutes $120.00

Four 60-minute Session 15% discount.

Ten 60-minute Sessions 30% discount.

Please have check ready and either pay in advance or hand me your check on the way in, so we will not be distracted from your healing vibe on the way out. Please write your check to "Patrick Moore LMT", the "LMT" is something I need to deposit into my business account. You may also pay in advance using PayPal. I can email you a PayPal invoice if you are not familiar.

Please, no gratuities.

Please wear Comfy Clothes.

Questions? Please contact me using the contact form near the top of this page or click the contact form


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