Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Student Testimonial

Below is a message I received from a student in last weekend's Melting Muscles classes in Tucson. By phone last night, he told me that he'd been using only melting muscles in all the massages he's done since Sunday, getting great results, and much easier on his body. Here is the email he sent this morning:

----- Original Message -----
From: J W
To: Patrick Moore
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 7:44 PM
Subject: My thoughts

I want to thank Patrick for his teachings of Melting Muscles. The experience of both giving and receiving while learning and through everyday practical application has proven to be very rewarding. My perception and understanding of bodywork has been permanently altered, and in my opinion will continue if I so choose. There is a quiet transcendence in the communication of us through the practice of Melting Muscles. It has a powerful effect on the release of tension, something body workers really aim for.

I am a clinical therapist with a strong understanding in anatomy and physiology. My approach hasn't changed, only my treatment methods. Just because science has yet to explain all the intricacies of the human organism doesn't mean what we perceive isn't happening. People in the world of healing and healthcare have always been struggling with information that has yet to be proven. The work is presented in an academic manner in terms that any healthcare worker can appreciate. Simply put the techniques of Melting Muscles works!

Like my loving Grandmother used to say, "In order to "grok" something we must experience it first. If this work sounds interesting, I urge you to check it out.



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