Friday, March 13, 2015

FW: Update and Testimonial

Below is a message I received today. The first part is a testimonial for one session he had two days ago with me for his rotator cuff. The second part is a testimonial for the melting muscles classes he attended one and two weeks ago.


Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 1:23 PM
Subject: Update and Testamonial


Hiya Patrick!


After I left you on Wednesday the pain was still there but it had subsided and I had more mobility.  Later that day my arm tightened up again.  I continued to ice it and when I woke up the next morning to see the doctor it was better than it was when I saw you. 


The x-rays showed inflammation and arthritis.  I got an Rx for Prednisone and a schedule for physical therapy.  By the afternoon, without doing anything else, the pain and mobility had diminished even further.  Today, it is even better and I believe that I'm on my way to 100%.  I took off of work for two weeks but I think I'll be able to go back after a week.  I feel that my improvement was greatly due to your work.  Thanks again for the great session!


Hope to see you soon,






When I began my search for continuing education classes for my massage license renewal I found Patrick Moore's Melting Muscles and Unwinding Muscles workshop.  Patrick is an insightful and innovative teacher with a unique approach to bodywork.  He is intelligent, thought provoking and compassionate.  I have been a licensed massage therapist for 31 years and these classes opened up new skills that I could apply to my practice the very next day. 


If you're looking to save wear and tear on your body and add years to your massage career I highly recommend Patrick's classes.


Jeff Eagle LMT

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