Also, because of my Youtube channel and articles I have in various places on the net, people regularly contact me from all over the world asking advice about the atlas/axis joint of their necks.
Recently, over the phone and through email, I have successfully taught a few people how to melt their own atlas and axis!
So I decided to share this self-therapy method. In the next Natural Healer Newsletter I will describe how to melt your own OCI muscle which frees your atlas from your axis.
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I believe "Melting the Atlas and Axis" is as effective as a chiropractic adjustment. I hope in ten years that as many people are using this natural method as are currently using thrust adjustments. The main difference between Melting the Atlas and Axis and thrust for neck rotation is, melting is far slower, far gentler, and your brain feels safe while it is happening. The second main difference is that while the chiropractor takes your neck "the hard way" (the way it does NOT want to go), melting muscles takes your neck "the easy way." So if you have difficulty looking over your left shoulder, the chiropractor will force your head to look over your left shoulder, while in a melting A/A session you turn your head to the right which feels comfortable.
Last year a chiropractor from New York flew out to Tucson to attend "Melting the Atlas and Axis" because he found that the thrust adjustments did not work on his pre-teen daughter. She was afraid and did not want her to treat her any more. He began using melting the A/A with her and wrote to me that they both loved it. Then he flew out a second time to attend "Unwinding the Atlas and Axis."
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