Benefits of Receiving Melting Muscles:
- Melting Muscles is a comfortable and pleasant experience, without any need for pressure beyond your comfort.
- You don't have to wait until the session is over to tell if it worked. You can tell during the session it is working, because you can actually feel your own muscles soften and relax, as if a drain were opened and the tension is leaking away.
- Even when the session focuses on one muscle or one region, like a shoulder, your brain feels safe and makes your whole body relax.
- When the session is over you feel lighter, like you are floating.
- You can move more freely with less effort.
- Balances your body and brain, your mind and spirit.
- Reduces soreness, and causes no extra soreness the next day.
- The relaxation lasts, because it was your brain's choice to relax.
- Empowering: with each session you gain more and more influence to relax your own muscles. With a series of sessions you can graduate, when you are able to relax your own muscles without a therapist.
- Relaxed muscles allow greater circulation of fluids, including the White Blood Cells of the immune system.
- You'll have more endurance and more effective strength since your antagonist muscles won't be working against you.
- Increases creativity, resiliency, connection, and flow.
- Supports progress, growth, personal discovery and spiritual development.
Conditions that may improve with Melting Muscles:
- heart conditions
- muscle or joint aches
- sacroiliac joint pain or stiffness
- poor circulation
- nervousness, worry or anxiety
- tremors, tingling, sciatica
- difficulty relaxing
- hormone imbalances
- depression
- fibromyalgia
- carpal tunnel syndrome, golfer's elbow, tennis elbow
- achiles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis
- rotator cuff overuse and injuries
- difficulty sleeping
- jaw clenching and grinding
- immune system weakness
- lacking empathy and sympathy
- body acceptance issues
- self judgment
- posture, torticollis, frozen shoulder
- recovery from surgery, injury and trauma
- Fight-Or-Flight hyperactivity
Melting Muscles Reduces Fight-Or-Flight Reactions
Disease of all kinds is made worse by an active Fight or Flight reaction. In the olden days when humans were confronted by Saber Toothed Tigers, it was natural to activate the fight/flight instinct. More blood and nerve energy is directed to the arms for fighting, to the legs for running, the eyes narrow focus, the heart beats faster, and blood pressure rises, adrenaline and other hormones are dripped into the bloodstream, and the brain switches to black or white thinking, where everyone is either an enemy or an ally. All functions of the human body that are not necessary for survival in the next five minutes, are stopped, so their energy can be diverted to fighting or fleeing. That means no digestion, and no immune system protection. Face it, if a Saber Toothed Tiger is leaping toward you, you don't really need to digest the contents of your stomach and you don't need to fight cancer or prevent catching cold. Lose are lower priority when you may die in the next minute. So the Fight/Flight instinct was very helpful in the days when survival was frequently at risk.
The inventions of law, law enforcement and fire fighters have greatly increased human safety. There are still threats to our survival but they aren't nearly as frequent. Still, people seem to be using their fight/flight instincts as much, or more than they were when survival was truly at risk. Any time you see others as competitors, say (even in jest) you have to finish a job or you'll lose your job and be out on the street, or tell yourself you must win, you activate your fight/flight cascade. It's like pushing the panic button.
The fight/flight system is designed to stay on for five minutes, and then switch off. If the Saber Toothed Tiger is leaping, it's going to be over one way or the other in five minutes, so there's no purpose for adrenaline in the sixth minute. Still, people in today's world continue to tell themselves, its do or die, eight to ten hours a day, forty to eighty hours a week.. you see the problem. For every minute and hour that the fight/flight system is active, there is no support for fighting the common cold, for replenishing hair and skin, for digesting the food properly. The food just sits in the intestines fermenting and creating problems. Tumors are not nipped back by the immune system.
Relaxation isn't a luxury, it's a necessity for life. Only when the fight/flight system is turned OFF can the body replenish, rejuvenate, protect and repair itself.
It is unfortunate that many people in our world have not been trained how to relax. Melting Muscles is training in relaxation. Every time a muscle melts, that means your brain is actively deciding to relax. If twelve to thirty muscles relax in an hour, that's many repetitions of a skill you really need to survive and have quality life while you are alive.
More than 700 therapists nationwide have attended Melting Muscles training since 2002. Sessions are still offered by the developer of Melting Muscles, Patrick Moore LMT BA in Tucson, AZ. Please visit for details.
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