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Tuesday, October 2nd - PNI 5: Treating Two People
Tuesday, October 16th, 2012, 9:00 A.M.
Exercising Naturally
Five CE hours, $??, includes handouts.
Course Description: Begins with the belief that every human needs regular moderate exercise to maintain minimum natural health. We start the day with a one-hour walk up Suffolk drive chatting about the day's topics: exercising for mental health; circulation of fluids; aerobic and anaerobic breathing; muscle soreness from anaerobic exercise; the benefits of awareness of one's body during exercise (not watching a TV screen while you exercise); and how two people of unequal fitness can both get a good workout while walking/jogging together. This class is all about noncompetitive exercise; not keeping track of performance, speed, and not competing with others or even yourself, as competition releases adrenaline and other fight/flight hormones into your blood and leads to muscle soreness with toxins. This is not a class for building muscle mass, but for moving toward a more natural relationship to exercise for ourselves and our clients. Includes how to speak with clients about exercise.
Instructor Biography: Patrick began running distance outdoors in1979 to prepare for High School Football and rediscovered running as mental therapy at age 35. Now 48 he is in the best health and fitness of his life and improving every year. Questions about Course Content? Please contact Patrick 520-334-8950
Prerequisites: none
Preparation: Come prepared for a one hour walk outdoors: a water bottle, proper shoes, a hat.
Tuesday November 6th - Deep Tissue of Hip Rotators and Psoas
Tuesday November 20th, 2012, 9:00 A.M.
Giving Thanks: PNI 1 - Optimistic Reframing During Intake
5 CE hours. ??$ Includes handouts.
Course Description: The way we ask intake, check-in, and post-interview questions is very important for the healing process. The recipient doesn't notice all the changes we notice. He is not aware of how much he is changing. The way we pose questions brings his awareness to these changes. If he can acknowledge even a fraction of how much he is changing, his belief and expectation changes, which fuels faster changes. This invigorates his immune system and relaxes his brain's tension settings to match his beliefs and expectations. PsychoNeuroImmunology is the study of how minds influence bodies and how bodies influence minds, both toward disease and toward healing. This is a group-discussion class only with no hands-on exercises.
Instructor Biography: Patrick has always been a fascinated reader of science. Attending massage school at the medically oriented Brian Utting school in Seattle awakened his fascination with physiology and the influence of the mind over matter and vice versa. PNI is one of the many topics outside of massage therapy that Patrick reads avidly, informing and expanding his courses. Questions about Course Content? Please contact Patrick 520-334-8950
Prerequisites: none
Preparation: none
Monday, Dec 3rd, 2012, 9:00 A.M.
Melting Muscles Prone
7 CE hours. ??$ Includes handouts.
Course Description: Muscles are like little animals, and they like it when you say their name. How do you say a muscle's name? They don't know Latin! You show you know the muscle's name when you know how to shorten it and paplate it precisely. In this class you will learn to shorten a dozen muscles with one handd while you palpate them with the other. You are guaranteed to experience muscles melting in your hand. Recipients can also feel their own muscles melt, which gives them a sense they are making good progress. Class time is 95% hands-on: levator, lower traps, triceps, wrist flexors, lumbar sidebenders, glutes including piriformis, gamellis, obturators, hamstrings, and extrinsic toe flexors. Includes both light and deep work.
Instructor Biography: After attending 96 hours of craniosacral and 140 hours of osteopathic assessment and correction, these two methods coalesced in 2001 into Melting Muscles. Patrick published his first article on Melting Muscles in Massage&Bodywork in 2002. His second article, in Massage Therapy Journal in 2003 described Unwinding Muscles at the Atlanto Axial Joint. More articles, video, and pictures about Melting Muscles on his website at . Questions about Course Content? Please contact Patrick 520-334-8950
Prerequisites: none
Preparation: Please bring a set of two sheets and a pillowcase, and your oil or lotion.
Tuesday, Dec 4th, 2012, 9:00 A.M.
Unwinding Muscles Supine
6 CE hours. ??$ Includes handouts.
Course Description: Muscles vary their contraction slightly due to normal cycles and abnormal guarding. You can feel this slight variation as the limb wanting to move a certain direction. When you feel this slight motion, you can deduce which muscle must be contracting more, and melt that muscle. Class time is 95% hands-on exercises and switching with partners. We will be treating people only in the supine position and working on muscles through clothing.
Instructor Biography: After attending 96 hours of craniosacral and 140 hours of osteopathic assessment and correction, these two methods coalesced in 2001 into Melting Muscles. Patrick published his first article on Melting Muscles in Massage&Bodywork in 2002. His second article, in Massage Therapy Journal in 2003 described Unwinding Muscles at the Atlanto Axial Joint. More articles, video, and pictures about Melting Muscles on his website at . Questions about Course Content? Please contact Patrick 520-334-8950
Prerequisites: Any Melting Muscles course. (You need to be able to melt muscles before you can attend an Unwinding class. Sorry, no exceptions. The prerequisite, Melting Muscles is offered the day before..)
Preparation: Please bring one bottom sheet. Please wear loose stretchy clothes (no jeans).
Wednesday, Dec 5th, 2012, 9:00 A.M.
Melting Atlas and Axis
6 CE hours. ??$ Includes handouts.
Course Description: One muscle is mostly responsible for rotating the head. You'll learn to find the obliquus capitis inferior and relax it. If you only learn how to relax one muscle in the body, this would be it; once this muscle relaxes, everything else is so much easier. The OCI muscle connects C1 and C2, the atlanto-axial joint. The technique is complex when you read the handout, but its easy to learn in a class. We begin simple and add small steps, so your hands are guaranteed to "get it." You will spend half of the class time giving, the other half receiving. This is profoundly relaxing work, both to give and to receive. You are guaranteed to feel the OCI muscle melting, proof that the atlantoaxial joint has released. 95% of class time is spent at the tables, recipients supine, givers sitting in a chair or stool at the head of the table.
Instructor Biography: After attending 96 hours of craniosacral and 140 hours of osteopathic assessment and correction, these two methods coalesced in 2001 into Melting Muscles. Patrick published his first article on Melting Muscles in Massage&Bodywork in 2002. His second article, in Massage Therapy Journal in 2003 described Unwinding Muscles at the Atlanto Axial Joint. More articles, video, and pictures about Melting Muscles on his website at . Questions about Course Content? Please contact Patrick 520-334-8950
Prerequisites: none
Preparation: Please bring one bottom sheet.
Thursday, Dec 6th, 2012, 9:00 A.M.
Unwinding Atlas and Axis
5 CE hours. ??$ Includes handouts.
Course Description: For those who have mastered Melting the Atlas and Axis, now you are ready to unwind the muscles that move the head. One solid hour will be spent reviewing the actions of muscles that rotate the head. Then you will learn to follow cranial motion, which is caused in part by the extra contraction of tighter muscles. With the actions fresh in your mind, you will know which muscle is responsible for each motion. Then you melt the indicated muscle. By doing these two things at once, you have provided her brain both the problem and its solution. Of course the brain will respond by reducing the muscle tension. At this moment, the head begins to return toward neutral. This is a seriously relaxing maneuver and you'll be receiving about two hours of it.
Instructor Biography: After attending 96 hours of craniosacral and 140 hours of osteopathic assessment and correction, these two methods coalesced in 2001 into Melting Muscles. Patrick published his first article on Melting Muscles in Massage&Bodywork in 2002. His second article, in Massage Therapy Journal in 2003 described Unwinding Muscles at the Atlanto Axial Joint. More articles, video, and pictures about Melting Muscles on his website at . Questions about Course Content? Please contact Patrick 520-334-8950
Prerequisites: Melting Atlas and Axis. (You need to know how to melt muscles before you can unwind them. Sorry, no exceptions. The prerequisite, Melting the Atlas and Axis, is offered the previous day J )
Preparation: none
Friday, Dec 7th, 2012, 9:00 A.M.
Melting Muscles Teacher Training (presented only once per year)
6 CE hours. ??$ Includes handouts.
Course Description: This course is only for people who intend to teach Melting Muscles. We will cover the philosophy and teaching methods of melting muscles including how to assist with palpation, and creating a safe learning environment.
Instructor Biography: After attending 96 hours of craniosacral and 140 hours of osteopathic assessment and correction, these two methods coalesced in 2001 into Melting Muscles. Patrick published his first article on Melting Muscles in Massage&Bodywork in 2002. His second article, in Massage Therapy Journal in 2003 described Unwinding Muscles at the Atlanto Axial Joint. More articles, video, and pictures about Melting Muscles on his website at . Questions about Course Content? Please contact Patrick 520-334-8950
Prerequisites: Melting Muscles Supine or Prone, Melting the Atlas and Axis. Sorry no exceptions. These two prerequisites are offered earlier in the same week.)
Preparation: You must have read the handouts from your previous melting and unwinding classes in their entirety. If you have lost your handouts, please visit for pdf duplicates.
Tuesday, December 18th, 2012, 9:00 A.M.
The Ethics of Mirror Neurons
6 CE hours (meets Standard V for NCBTMB). ??$ Includes handouts.
Course Description: The human brain contains mirror neurons. This allows a person to see things the way another person sees them, to sense what it is like to be the other person. Massage therapists' mirror neurons allow them to feel what it would be like to be the recipient, including the soreness, the tenderness to touch, and the relief of relaxation. How useful! And yet, are there any risks to using our mirror neurons? Do we really want to feel what others feel? Do we want to see ourselves the way they see us? Can we be too involved in how they feel? How much empathy is serving for them? How much is healthy for us? This is a group-discussion workshop with no hands-on practice. We will do at least one partner exercise, non-touching, to help us understand the mirroring process.
Instructor Biography: Patrick has always been a fascinated reader of science. Attending massage school at the medically oriented Brian Utting school in Seattle awakened his fascination with physiology and the influence of the mind over matter and vice versa. An avid reader, the discovery of Mirror Neurons in the late 1990s and subsequent books and articles by V.S. Ramachandran bring exciting new perspectives to Patrick's teaching. Questions about Course Content? Please contact Patrick 520-334-8950
Prerequisites: none
Preparation: none
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