Thursday, April 27, 2023

May 2023 CE for LMTs in Tucson, Arizona


     Thursday, May 18, 9:00 a.m.

     Craniosacral Basics 1 – Sensing the Bones Moved Slowly by Muscle

     6 CE hours $180.00 ($156.00 early)

     Category:  Craniosacral Therapy

Includes a copy of Patrick’s newest book, Cranial Motion – A Different Perspective. You will feel “Cranial Motion” within the first hour. You will learn to sense rhythmic motion and one-way motion that tells you where the muscle tension is. You will learn the steps of treatment and practice on the head/neck, shoulder and arm, hips legs and feet, sacrum and scapula.



     Friday, May 19, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

     Melting Muscles Basic Prone

     7 CE hours $210.00 ($182.00 early)

     Category:  Therapeutic Massage

You will feel muscles soften in the moment. You will learn to melt upper and lower trapezius, levator scapula, triceps, wrist flexors, lumbar sidebenders, sacral flexors, gluteus medius & maximus, hamstrings, foot plantarflexors and extrinsic toe flexors. Please wear yoga or workout clothes that allow full freedom of motion. This is the facedown half of a full body melting massage. Includes a copy of Patrick’s Book Melting Muscles Workbook (black and white version).



     Saturday, May 20, 9:00 a.m.

     Reiki Level One (Shoden) Reiki Practitioner I


     5 CE hours $200.00

Rediscovered by Mikao Usui (18651926) in Japan, Reiki is a much older process that attunes or empowers the practitioner. By receiving the Level One Empowerment, your perception of energy and ability to direct energy will increase. This also helps you resume your spiritual path, self-discovery, self-care, life balance and inner peace. You will practice hands-on-body hand positions. You will learn an assessment and balancing process. You will practice several times including receiving, with valuable feedback from other students and the instructor. A safe environment to explore.



     Sunday, May 21, 9:00 a.m.

     Melting The Atlas/Axis Rotators (Melting Muscles Intermediate)

     6 CE hours $180.00 ($156.00 early)

     Category:  Therapeutic Massage

A slower, gentler approach to healing neck injuries or resolving decades long tension. You will learn to maneuver the head in a way that feels safe to people with injuries. You will learn to find, palpate and relax the obliquus capitis inferior muscle. You will learn how the head rotates (or binds) using 6 muscles. You will be sitting on a stool to give and then you’ll receive, which makes for a very relaxing day. Please watch in advance: YouTube Playlist for Atlas/Axis Rotation. Our workshop is not about anatomy as much as practice positioning the head and palpating the muscles as they melt.



     Wednesday, May 24, 9:00 a.m.

     How Melting Muscles helps PTSD and TBI

     6 CE hours $180.00 ($156.00 early)

     Category:  Trauma Therapy

No hands-on, this is a discussion workshop. The challenges of PTSD and TBI include hypervigilance, depression, anxiety, muscle tension, irritability, sleep disturbance, cynicism and mistrust. These patterns left to cycle, tend to worsen each decade. You will learn how relaxing their muscle guarding will shift their trajectory. Time for discussing your actual experiences.



     Thursday, May 25, 12:00 pm

     Hip Chi  - Hip Rotator Balance, Strength And Chi With Standing Taichi Warmup

     4 CE hours $120.00 ($104.00 early)

     Category:  Movement and Exercise Therapies

You will learn two, or four standing exercises, depending on your fitness level. Your hip rotating muscles will awaken and strengthen. For fitness enthusiasts or dancers, improves running, hiking and walking endurance. For people less vigorous, improves weight bearing benefits (osteoporosis) and keeps people walking far longer into mature adulthood. Intended as self-care, but once you learn these exercises you may certainly show them to recipients.  See Patrick’s 7 videos on YouTube starting with the gentlest. 



     Saturday, May 27, 9:00 a.m.

     Breathing Naturally - Learning the Breathing Muscles with Deliberate Exhalation Meditation

     6 CE hours $144.00   

You will learn to exhale more, first deliberately and then naturally. This provides more oxygen which is a pleasant relaxed sensation. Includes a copy of Patrick’s book, Breathing Naturally. You will do several guided meditations followed by feedback and discussion.


Workshop location: Patrick Moore Home Office (Oracle / Ina)

·         Maximum 6 students

·         Minimum 1 student

·         If I cancel, all your money back.

·         If you need to cancel and you notify me by 21 days prior, you get all your money back. If you notify me by 14 days prior, 80% is returned. Between 13 days and the hour before the workshop begins, 60%.

·         “Early” price means paid in full 10 days early (by May 6 for the first available date above). PayPal and checks accepted.

·         Register by contacting me through email, text, phone or through my blog contact form,   

Questions? Ready to register? simply contact me using the form below. Warmly, Patrick


Email *


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