Thursday, January 14, 2010

Patrick's 42 CE classes for 2010

Hi friends,
I just completed my NCB renewal as a provider of CE courses. Below are the classes I will now be offering.
Please note: there are two new classes below aimed at those who would like to become NCB teachers, which is more affordable for therapists than hiring me to help them complete the NCB application.
Also note: some of these classes you may have already taken, just that the names have been changed a bit :)
As the classes are scheduled at different schools and venues, I will continue to post the dates at

Patrick's CE Classes for 2010-2011:


1-12 taught 2002-2008 


1.      Hearing Muscles Melt 1: Full Body Supine; 7 hr; Therapeutic Massage TM         

2.      Hearing Muscles Melt 2: Full Body Prone 7 hr; Therapeutic Massage TM           

3.      Hearing Muscles Melt 3: Atlas and Axis; 6 hr: Therapeutic Massage TM             

4.      Hearing Muscles Melt 4: Teaching melting Muscles; 7 hrs; Teacher Training Program TTP

5.      Hearing Muscles Melt 5: Unwinding Supine; 6 hrs; Therapeutic Massage TM

6.      Hearing Muscles Melt 7: Unwinding Atlas and Axis; 5 hr; Therapeutic Massage TM         

7.      Equality in Therapy and Business; 6 hr; Ethics including Standard V ESV  

8.      Reiki I; 5 hr; Energy Work EW          

9.      Reiki II; 5 hr; Energy Work EW  

10.   Reiki III (Master); 5 hr: Energy Work EW 

11.   How To Train Successful Reiki Practitioners; 6 hr; Teacher Training Program TTP

12.   Tendinitis: Removing Scar Tissue;  6 hr; Health Care/Medical HCM


13-20 new in 2009  


13.   Washing with SOAP—Healing Cellular Memory through Interviewing and Feedback; 5 hr; Body Psychology BP

14.   Three Muscles Fight to Rotate the Head; 6 hrs; Science; Advanced Kinesiology S

15.   Length And Strength: Hip Rotators And Psoas; 6 hrs; Movement and Exercise Therapies MET

16.   Touching The Brain I— Calming Fight or Flight; Cerebellum and Amygdala; 5 hr; Therapeutic Massage TM

17.   Touching The Brain II—Balancing 6 Brains; 5 hr; Therapeutic Massage TM

18.   Actions of the Obliquus Capitis Inferior Muscle; DVD Home Study Course + Test… gives certificate of achievement;    5 hr; Science-Advanced Kinesiology S

19.   Breathing Naturally: Relaxing the Breathing Muscles; 6hr; Therapeutic Massage TM

20.   The Brain's Good Reasons for Muscle Guarding; 4 hr; Science-Advanced Physiology S


21-42 new for 2010


21.   Hearing Muscles Melt 6: Unwinding Muscles in Prone and Sidelying Positions; 7 hr; Therapeutic Massage TM

22.   Hearing Muscles Melt 8: Recipient's Awareness Of Melting; 5 hr; Body Psychology

23.   Touching The Brain III—Touch Triggers Brain to Perceive Other as Self; 5 hr; Therapeutic Massage TM

24.   Standing Wave Jostling; 5 hr; Movement and Exercise Therapies MET    

25.   Length and Strength: The Shoulder's Seven Actions; 7 hr; Movement and Exercise Therapies MET

26.   Assessing the Atlanto-Axial Joint; DVD Home Study Cognitive + Test; 5 hr; Therapeutic Massage TM

27.   Holistic Treatment Plans; 4 hr; Body Psychology BP

28.   Negotiating Realistic Expectations communication: 4 hr; body Psychology BP

29.   Socrates, Father of Ethics; 6 hr; Ethics (incl. Standard V) ESV

30.   Latest Discoveries in Quantum Physics for Healers; 4 hr; Research R

31.   Latest Discoveries in DNA and Epigenetics for Healers; 4 hr; Research R

32.   Energy Work Demystified; 5 hr; Energy Work EW

33.   Energy Work: Palpation Lab; Hands Above; 4 hr; Energy Work EW   

34.   Healing the Past and Future using Energy: the Nature of Time;  5 hr; Energy Work EW

35.   Advanced Energy: Providing Matching Grants, Ramps, and Other Healing Effects; 5 hr; Energy Work EW

36.   Low Acceleration, High Feedback Stretching; 4 hr; Movement and Exercise Therapies MET

37.   Digging Up Fossils: Releasing Cellular Memory through Deep Tissue of the Spine; 5 hr; Deep Tissue Therapies DDT

38.   Creating and Growing a Holistic Business; 6 hr; Business/Marketing B/M

39.   Undeniably Different: Client Centered Presence, Response, and Feedback;  6 hr; Body Psychology BP

40.   Why People Don't (Choose To) Heal And How To Respond; 6 hr; Body Psychology BP

41.   Philosophy of Natural and Holistic Healing; 6 hr; Body Psychology BP

42.   Teacher Training; Developing Measurable Learning Goals; 4 hr; Teacher Training Program TTP

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